Tag Archive for: clients

Pretty Cool New Article on Halevy Life

This just came across my plate: Gym Owner & His Gym Are Both “Runaway” Successes

It talks a bit about my attempt to be a “super-hero,” but not sure I agree with that — except for the desire to be a business one! (And in reality, give me a break — how many high school kids can run a sub-5:00 mile anyway!)

Anyone in NYC should come visit and check us out though:

Halevy Life
802 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10065
(212) 233-0633

You Have Never Seen These Exercises Before (Beat Gym Boredom!)

Who doesn’t get bored of all the same stuff at the gym? I do, for one. These two exercises (my “mashups”) will help spice things up and reinvigorate you…and I’ll bet you’ve NEVER seen them before! (See these and more every day at Halevy Life)