Mixed Martial Arts or Biking: Which Is Safer?
Check out my first piece for U.S. News & World Report, where I examine New York City’s new bike share program, Citi Bike:
Check out my first piece for U.S. News & World Report, where I examine New York City’s new bike share program, Citi Bike:
I’m just getting back from an extended trip that started with a visit to Boston the day after the terrible tragedy there. I have some very important updated details for next week’s event (Thursday, 4/25 from 6:30-late) which is now also a fund-raiser for those affected by the Boston Marathon bombing (my thoughts on the matter HERE).
Firstly, if you are coming, or planning on coming, and have not yet RSVP’d please do so IMMEDIATELY. (RSVP HERE) We are already over capacity, and our hired security will not let you in unless your name is on the list – seriously, period, exclamation mark…no winky face.
Secondly, as I mentioned that this is now a fund-raiser, I simultaneously do not care about being over capacity; I care about raising money for those who need it — as our team brilliantly did with the $5,000+ it raised for Hurricane Sandy victims. So please INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS. Admission will be a $1 donation at the door, but feel free to give more if you so choose. 100% of the money raised will go to:
1) One Boston Fund
2) Boston Children’s Hospital
3) Mass General Hospital
Please RSVP NOW by clicking here
Lastly, yes, we will still be partying and having a good time — and I am excited to celebrate an incredibly rewarding year together! My TV show Workout From Within’s first season still debuts that night, and we will have an exclusive screening for our guests…including a special appearance by the show’s host! (Check out his recent appearance on Good Day Chicago HERE)
Jeff Halevy Host of “Workout from Within” on Good Day Chicago |
The details on next week:
Date: Thursday, 4/25
Time: 6:30pm-late; Screening at 7:30pm
Place: Halevy Life (802 Lexington @ 62nd; enter on 62nd)
Attire: Clothing suggested, though nudity will not be discouraged
I look forward to seeing you next week and please, please, please bring friends and let’s raise some BIG $$$ together for our friends up in Boston! Please RSVP NOW by clicking here
Yours in health,
Jeff Halevy
Luckily enough, it wasn’t me! But yes, total sweetheart Noelle McKenzie, a guest on my show blogged about it….and what a flattering blog post it was!
From today’s print and online New York Daily News, my tips to getting trim & slim in 2013!
I’m usually “all business,” but this time of year is about FUN!
So you want your gift, huh? :)
Tweet me why you “deserve” (over all others) to train with me and I will:
That’s it! All you have to do is Tweet me by Monday 12/24/12.*
*Some restrictions may apply. Call Halevy Life at (212) 233-0633 for details.
The New Halevy Life T-Shirt: The Ultimate Laid-Back Work(out) Attire!
Admit it; that’s exactly what you want: the body of dancer, with long, lean muscles. Here’s the secret (it’s not what you think!)
NEW YORK (WABC) — As people try to stay trim this holiday season, fitness expert Jeff Halevy joined us to show how to stay lean with luggage.
Halevy has joined Newark Mayor Cory Booker and First Lady Michelle Obama in the ‘Our Power’ and ‘Let’s Move’ campaigns.
Halevy created Our Power, a technology-based childhood obesity program, when he was chosen to join the First Lady’s childhood obesity campaign, by Mayor Booker, the campaign’s co-chair.
Our Power launched in Newark last year and is expanding nationally in fall 2013.
Halevy Life stayed open to the public despite being closed for business.
It was the first gym in Manhattan to offer up free showers and cell phone charging to those who lost power and hot water.
Jeff and his team are continuing to support Sandy Relief, by donating 100% of sales of the $89 SP personal training starter package (6 sessions) to Sandy Relief. They have raised nearly $5,000 already.
For the ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, Halevy Life will be donating 100% of the proceeds from the sale of SP New Client Starter Packs (MSRP $89), which gets you SIX SP PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS to use over one month. (Scroll down now to sign up!)
Again, ALL (a.k.a. 100%) of the $89 sale price will be donated to a variety of local and national nonprofits providing Sandy disaster relief.
Get in shape while you help those who have been devastated get their lives back in shape!
Sign Up Now!
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Click here to sign a petition to move the marathon.
It would be grossly irresponsible and tasteless to continue with ING New York City Marathon this weekend.
THE START LINE. Let’s start at the start (line): Staten Island. The borough where the marathon commences, which has been hit harder than any other section of New York City, is nothing short of a disaster zone. Many have lost their homes and the damage is unprecedented. Are we to simply look away, so we can comfortably celebrate an athletic event?
RESOURCES. Executing the marathon is a tremendous undertaking by multiple city agencies and the Mayor’s office. With power still out, and with massive clean-up and restoration necessary in large sections of New York City, is this really where resources should be allocated?
TRANSPORTATION. With gridlock and limited public transportation already crippling the city, is it really the time to start shutting down NYC’s largest and most used thoroughfares?
If you’re like me, the answer is a definitive “NO.” I believe the alternative is to simply hold the Marathon one week later, on November 11th, 2012. A grass roots Twitter hashtag campaign, #NYCM1111, has already been started to garner the attention of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Marathon’s organizing body, New York Road Runners.