Tag Archive for: Workout

Don't Alway Exercise Hard (and Ignore the Trolls)

Jeff Halevy Top Article Most Popular US NewsWelp, apparently something about my recent article for US News & World Report resonated with all of you out there..it became the most popular article on the entire US News & World Report site last week!

While I’d like to think it was due to my stellar writing, I’m sure that was not the case. The article explained why going “balls-to-the-wall” every time you work out is not a good idea; whether you are just trying to start an exercise habit or are a seasoned, or even competitive, lifter.

Go figure: Tell people not to exercise hard and you become Mr. Popularity!

I do think my message was missed by a few out there however. I doubt those who didn’t understand my message actually read the article, but regardless, for purposes of clarity, I’ll explain exactly what I meant, and what the haters got wrong.

First, the haters:

haters exercise article

Oh, where to start… While I’m sure both of these 19 year old kids who clearly know everything and have already figured out the world (I mean who hasn’t by the time you left your parent’s house just over a year ago!?), they definitely haven’t spent one second understanding the premise of all training: exercise periodization. Periodization simply means changing what you do over time so you incrementally progress without harming yourself. Training intensity is one of the most crucial components of periodization. But, look, with Jason and Andrew’s pearls of wisdom, who needs science?

And contrary to what Andrew believes, EVERY Mr. Olympia, World’s Strongest Man competitor, and powerlifting record holder used the science of periodization, including varying intensity (which can include changing loads, sets, reps, rests, to name a few parameters) to ultimately dominate and destroy and “game day.”

Moral of the story:

1. Never place important decisions about your wellbeing in the hands of a 19 year old (unless it is a real-life Doogie Howser)

2. Never defer to the “wisdom” of internet trolls when it come to — well, anything!

Happy training!

If you’re tired of plateaus and injury, contact me for online fitness and fat loss coaching.

And, as always, hit me up on Twitter with any feedback or questions! @jeffhalevy



The Guaranteed Results Workout (Free Plan)

Womens-Health-UK-May-2015_Jeff-Halevy_Fitness-GuaranteedA few months ago I got a call from across the pond (no, not New Jersey). London was calling: After Halevy Life was featured twice in a row in Daily Mail (UK), Women’s Heath UK wanted to dig in to just how we get the results at Halevy Life that allow us to offer “Fitness Guaranteed” — the only results-guaranteed-or-your-money-back offer of its kind in the industry.


While I wasn’t able to give away the whole kit and caboodle, I did provide a pretty kick-ass, magazine friendly version of what a Halevy Life client might go through.

The editors at Women’s Health were so intrigued that they tried it themselves, and…

They lost an average of 11lbs of fat!


For a limited time you can try the workout yourself HERE or for a more customized approach, contact me for online fitness and fat loss coaching.

As always, hit me up on Twitter with any feedback or questions! @jeffhalevy

Tone Your Entire Body With Just Seven Treadmill Moves

Jeff Halevy TODAY Show Fitness ExpertCheck out this video I did for Self.com for a quick, fun, total-body workout using only the treadmill!

Emergency Sandy Relief at Halevy Life Today 10/30/12

EMERGENCY RELIEF (Shower & Recharge)

While many in NYC don’t have power, fortunately, Halevy Life has both power and water.

We will be providing emergency relief the best we can:

**If you need to shower, recharge your phone, etc, we will be welcoming anyone who needs it.**

Reply to this post if you’d like to take advantage of this: Send Mail

Please do not just show up (we are still closed for business).

Stay safe, and let me know if I can help you in any other way (reach me directly on Twitter: @jeffhalevy)

Jeff Halevy
Halevy Life
802 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10065

The Official Hurricane Sandy Workout

If you’re like me, or any of Halevy Life’s clients, getting holed up because of a hurricane — like Sandy! — is the ultimate bummer….you can’t get to the gym and work out! (After all, what else is there to life anyway?) To ease your burning desire for a burn, here’s a workout you can do without even leaving your apartment or home, even if it’s as small as this guy’s!

The Official Hurricane Sandy Workout 

Frankenstorm Fitness